DIGITAL Nightmares PCTRIS for Win95 - Freeware Game Technical Information: ------------------------ The game requires Windows 95 and Direct X. As faster your system (and especcially the graphics-card) is, as smoother the game will run ... General Information: ---------------------- This game is our version of an one- or two-player TETRIS in SVGA. This game is freeware - if you like it, you may send me some thanks or money. Playing the Game: ------------------- Press 1 or 2 in the title screen to play with one or two players. Pressing everything else will run the game without changing your last choice. Press B in title to play the BLOB-bonusgame. Control Keys: 1. CURSOR LEFT, RIGHT, DOWN, CTRL or CURSOR LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN 2. A, D, S, SHIFT or A, D, W, S Press F1/F2 in the game to change control-modes. To pause the game press P. If you wish to reset the highscore-table please delete the file HISCORE.DAT. Running the game: ------------------- Please double-click at DNPCTRIS.EXE. Have fun! Michael Haar Visit our WWW-homepage ( and get our other productions like Giants of Steel, CRASH, PCCROSS, SWAPPER, ...